طلا و جواهر توسط ساخی Jewelry by Sakhi

طلا و جواهر توسط ساخی Jewelry by Sakhi
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طلا و جواهر توسط ساخی Jewelry by Sakhi

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Textbook Exercise: Tong Builds a Rainbow Coalition “The World of Work” -- Rachel Sakhi

TOUTES LES SOCIÉTÉS ET LA COALITION RAINBOW Les affaires sont des affaires à la fin de la journée, mais la diversité sert les entreprises de plusieurs façons qui peuvent être amusantes, peuvent être obligatoires et peuvent être un respect naturel pour l'égalité des chances. . PRÉPARATION Garder l'inventaire actuel des travailleurs est plus important que de se concentrer sur le licenciement des travailleurs pour les remplacer tous ensemble. Soutenir ce qu'une entreprise utilise actuellement pour garder son succès est la première étape, puis chercher et obtenir un personnel mieux formé est entre-temps, et enfin créer une atmosphère de respect des normes OSHA pour la sécurité au travail et la diversité est finalement le court - objectif à terme pour l'équipe. Publié par Rachel Ostorga Sakhi à 14:08

Textbook Exercise: 
Tong Builds a Rainbow Coalition 
“The World of Work”

This is a great response to the overall topic. Thank you so much for sharing this very unique perspective as I myself push toward the gay issues and concern simply due to the large Southern California population of homosexual identity not only in the professional workplace, but in the school districts. 
Some people as I mentioned in my primary post have begun in the youth population to utilize 'being gay' as a summoning of support when in need of sisters and brothers so to speak to win an argument which is a bit off topic to diversity and equality. 


Business is business at the end the day, however diversity serves businesses in many important ways which can be funny, can be mandatory, and can be a natural respect for equal opportunities based on the values of a company's central management. 


Keeping current inventory of workers is more important than a focus on firing workers to replace them all together. Sustaining what a company currently utilizes to keep itself successful is step one, then seeking out and securing more better--trained personnel is for the meantime, and finally creating an atmosphere of meeting OSHA standards for workplace safety and diversity is ultimately the short--term goal for the team. 

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